
Di., 14.05.2024, 15:00 – 16:30 Uhr | Gütersloh

Research methodologies in the context of different academic fields applied on project risk management

Guest: Prof. Dr. Camilo Andrés Micán Rincon | Host: Prof. Dr. Christian Schwede
Eine horizontaler Balken mit der Aufschrift BEENDET

Project and project portfolio risk management have been explored through diverse academic lenses. On one hand, a prevailing pragmatic perspective, rooted in the engineering domain, has focused on developing models to qualify and quantify risk within projects and portfolios. On the other hand, a contextual and constructivist approach, stemming from the management discipline, has sought to understand how risk management is conducted or should be conducted according to different contextual conditions. This conference offers an overview of both academic domains and explores opportunities for their integration and mutual enrichment.

Prof. Dr. Camilo Micán is an Industrial Engineering from Universidad del Valle (Colombia), holds a master’s in engineering from the same university, and a Doctorate in Industrial and System Engineering of the University of Minho (Portugal). He is an Associate Professor at the Universidad del Valle, School of Industrial Engineering. His research interests are in Project Management, Project Risk Management, Project Portfolio Management, and related topics. He is a member of the Quantitative Finance Research Group at Universidad del Valle and of the ALGORITMI Research Centre at University of Minho. Professional experience as a project manager in projects focused on process improvement.

Target group: Master students

Auf einen Blick
Research methodologies in the context of different academic fields applied on project risk management
Dienstag, 14.05.2024
15:00 – 16:30 Uhr
Hochschule Bielefeld, Gütersloh Campus, S 309
Schulstraße 10, 33330 Gütersloh, Germany
International Week 2024
internationale Studierende